

konkari jäsen
... a new breed of massively multiplayer online role-playing game where hundreds of players interact in a world of absolute freedom, where it's the actions of players which determine your fate and the fate of the world you live in.

Live as a criminal, a police officer, business person or anything in between. You are in full control of your own future in your persuit of wealth, glory and power.

Identity takes place in a fictional land in the eastern United States, inspired primarily by the Carolinas and Georgia.

The chosen location allows for a huge variety in terrain and environments. You'll encounter dirty cities, beautiful beaches and farmland, snow-capped mountains and everything in between. All of these areas are inspired by real locations in the United States, resulting in one of the most believeable and immersive worlds found in any video game.

Traveling throughout the land on foot could take a long time, so you'll find highways, roads and trails to help you along. For those who haven't purchased a vehicle or bicycle, train stations are located throughout the land.

The initial world size is expected to be an enormous 200 km2.

Nyt on kyllä varsinmielenkiintoinen peli. Pelistä kertovan videon voit katsoo täällä

Pelin perusversio maksaa tällähetkellä 15USD mutta,peliä ei voi vielä pelata,eikä sillä saa edes pääsyä pelin beta vaiheeseen.
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tämä peli vaikuttaa kyllä hyvin mielenkiintoiselle.
Testasin peliä pari päivää sitten,enkä päässyt kyllä tekemään juuri mitään pelissä. pienelessä kylässä pariin eri taloon pysty menemään sisälle.