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Devaus jatkuu, ostin nyt Invectorin perus loco-moottorin, vanhassa projektissa käytetty LITE (ilmaisversio) tuttu. Tän lisäks löytyy entuudestaan vahingossa ostettu swimming lisäosa Invectorille.
- Basic Locomotion Behavior and Animations
- Unity Rig type Humanoid Avatar supported
- Advanced Third Person Camera System
- Sprint, Jump, Crouch, and Roll
- Vault, Climb, or StepUp obstacles
- Generic Action system to trigger simple animations
- Ladder System
- Ragdoll System
- FootStep System
- Several Util scripts to help you develop your game
- Isometric, 2.5D Platformer, TopDown, Mobile demo scenes are included
Projektin assettien arvo yht. noin 300e, VPS server (Win22DC+domain+sposti): n. 100e/kk.
Mutta projektin itse on priceless tietty
- Basic Locomotion Behavior and Animations
- Unity Rig type Humanoid Avatar supported
- Advanced Third Person Camera System
- Sprint, Jump, Crouch, and Roll
- Vault, Climb, or StepUp obstacles
- Generic Action system to trigger simple animations
- Ladder System
- Ragdoll System
- FootStep System
- Several Util scripts to help you develop your game
- Isometric, 2.5D Platformer, TopDown, Mobile demo scenes are included
Projektin assettien arvo yht. noin 300e, VPS server (Win22DC+domain+sposti): n. 100e/kk.
Mutta projektin itse on priceless tietty